Ashdown Hurrey

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It’s easier to move with the times when you have a partner keeping a watchful eye on your readiness

When your business is consistently and fundamentally affected by changes in technology, it makes a lot of sense to monitor the situation on a regular basis.

Our review meetings with accountancy firm Ashdown Hurrey have been key to preempting their imminent and future needs.


With the move toward total paperless accounting in the offing, increasingly,the firm’s work is becoming internet-based. The subsequent demands for bandwidth meant their existing DSL broadband connection wasn’t cutting the mustard. The firm’s geography was also posing a problem. Despite having two offices, located in neighbouring towns, their vision was to operate like one seamlessly linked company. But this could never be while a shortfall in connectivity meant the second site wasn’t as good a place to work as the office where the firm’s servers were physically located. Another problem – associated with previous suppliers – was the inconvenient timing of maintenance work, as Ben Sallows, the firm’s Associate responsible for IT, explains: “Even if things are down for 15 minutes, you realise that everything you need requires access to a computer and servers – and it’s becoming more and more the case.”


On being appointed, five years ago, one of the first things Beaming did was install a ‘point-to-point’ fibre connection between their two offices. It’s a leased line, which means the firm are the only ones using it, providing a powerful, uninterrupted and secure link between the separate sites. Having this facility was a major step forward for the firm, but we were conscious of the continual changes in technology their industry faces. That’s why we have regular reviews to ensure that they keep in control of how new technology can meet their business needs. It’s how we identified the potential shortcoming in their connectivity, leading to the installation of their second leased fibre line to the internet.

‘I’ve worked for Ashdown Hurrey for 22 years, and, compared to previous suppliers, the level of service we get from Beaming is just so much higher. The others weren’t as flexible or proactive and they just weren’t quite as on top of things.’
Ben Sallows, Associate, Ashdown Hurrey


Ben explains best the benefits of the point-to-point line, “It’s one of the things that Beaming suggested we put in, and we’re still seeing the benefits from it years later. It means we’re just one big office. Even the internal telephones use that line, which shows a cost saving.” Equally, the additional fibre internet connection has helped the business in many ways. It’s been particularly beneficial to staff working remotely, when they’re doing an audit at a client’s premises, for example. It’s also supported the firm’s new online portal, allowing documents to be uploaded quickly and securely, and that’s certainly a benefit that clients will notice.

Reflecting on Beaming’s service, Ben is also keen to highlight the flexibility of the support team and the benefit of having a local supplier. “For our set monthly support fee, they’re happy to go through anything, discuss anything, explain anything or fix anything that’s required for no extra charge. And, if we have an issue they work hard to minimise any impact on our working hours. I’m always confident that Beaming will have the knowledge and experience to be able to sort it out.”

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  • Poor connectivity between office locations
  • Increasingly struggling internet connectivity
  • A lack of proactivity and flexibility provided by previous suppliers
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Installation of a point-to-point fibre connection between offices

  • Upgrading of the firm’s internet connection to a high-bandwidth leased line
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  • A seamless ‘single office’ offering from well-connected sites
  • A robust internet connection, ready for the increased demand for bandwidth from paperless accounting and remote working

Download PDF of how we helped Ashdown Hurrey

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