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BeamRing IP40G – How do I answer a call?

Posted on 28 May 2019 by Beaming Support

How do I answer a call with the BeamRing IP40G handset?

Applies to BeamRing User and BeamRing User Plus license holders

To answer a call using the handset:

Pick up the handset

To answer a call using the speakerphone:

With the handset in place, press Speaker (speaker button)

To answer a call when using your headset:

With the headset connected, press  Headset (headset button)

Whilst on a telephone call you may switch between handset, headset and the speakerphone by pressing the headset key, the speakerphone key or simply by lifting the handset. For the headset mode to work you must have a BeamRing compatible headset connected to the phone.

Wrong handset?

Go back to guides for all BeamRing handsets