

BeamRing Logo

The cloud phone system that adapts to your needs

The real costs to your business of an outdated phone system could be huge

Wasting time and money on out-of-date hardware

If you’re still using a PBX phone system and the ISDN/PSDN network, this technology is near end-of-life. It is likely your system will be unreliable, take longer and cost more to fix.

Not meeting customer expectations

With varied call volumes you need a system that can manage calls to meet your customers expectations, and be simple and fast to make any necessary changes.

Preventing employee flexibility

If your employees can’t take or make all business calls from wherever they are working, your system is not meeting the needs of a mobile workforce.

What a BeamRing Cloud Phone system can do for your business

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Never miss a call

Calls can be managed distribute to those who are best suited to answer them, wherever they are working.

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Adapt quickly

If you need to make changes to users, features, locations or call management it can be done quickly and without disruption.


Save money

You can get started with no or low capital expenditure, you only pay for the number of user licenses you need at the time and there’s no on-going system maintenance costs.

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Be future-proofed

Prepare for the end of ISDN technology and adaptable to follow the changes the happen within your business.

Read about businesses who have made the switch to BeamRing

BeamRing is ideal for


Moving to a new office

  • Start off on the right foot with future-proof technology.
  • Don’t lose your phone number, we’ll port your existing number to your new system.
  • Plug and play with your new phones as soon as you move.
  • Use the BeamRing app on mobile to make and receive calls as normal during the move.

Business Continuity

  • Take and make calls from a smart phone, laptop or PC.
  • Quick installation in as little as 24 hours.
  • Short term contracts available.
  • Outgoing calls still present desired business number to customers.
  • Call recording available to comply with regulations.
  • No complicated call-forwarding to manage.
  • Protect staff from having to share personal phone numbers.

Looking to the future

  • Be ready for the end of ISDN technology.
  • Quickly and easily add users to your phone system as your business grows.
  • Adding another location? It’s easy for two or more offices to operate as one.
  • The latest HD voice technology improves call quality, helping you connect in every sense.
  • Prepare for the flexible future of working with the ability to work anywhere.

Tell us about your business & request a quote

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